Code of Professional Ethics in Educational Technology

As an assignment I had to research professional ethics, provide a definition, detail a real life ethical issue, provide a resolution for the issue, and give a brief reflection of what I learned by completing the assignment. Below is an excerpt from the paper detailing what I learned through the process. You will also find a link to the assignment in its entirety.

Reflection of what I learned

“The delegation of responsibility and work expectations to an unqualified person, without proper training and resources is unethical. Through the process of researching and studying professional ethics I have been able to reflect upon my own work environment and pinpoint why it is not always effective at facilitating learning. I have also been able to think through possible solutions as to how to fix the issues. With this experience and knowledge I feel as though I can go back to the workplace and offer alternatives to improve the situation we are in.

Professional ethics provide a rubric on how we can attain success in the workplace. Overall this assignment has helped me to see the importance of professional ethics in terms of success in the workplace.”

Delegation to Unqualified Personnel by LaJean Elder

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